

根据葡萄糖DE值分为几种不同规格的葡萄糖糖浆。DE值这决定粘度和甜度水平,也决定了每种糖浆最适合的应用。较低的DE值意味着低甜度和湿度与更高的粘度。高DE糖浆更甜,可用作保湿剂。Galam 拥有数十年的制造和定制多个DE规格的葡萄糖糖浆的经验,以补充客户的需求。葡萄糖糖浆也可以干燥粉末形式提供。

Properties Benefits
Slightly yellow Generally, has no effect on product appearance
High water binding capacity Improves moisture retention and freshness in baked goods
Lowering freezing point Prevents the formation of ice crystals in ice creams, maintaining a smooth and creamy texture
Prevents sugar crystallization Essential to preventing a grainy texture in confectionary
Fermentability Provides an energy source for yeast and bacteria
Browning reaction Enhances golden brown crusts and glazes of baked goods, as well as enriches the browning aroma
Cohesiveness Acts as an ideal binder, holding the product's various ingredients together
Low water activity Improves shelf life and increases microbial stability
Viscosity changes with temperature More convenient processing, handling and storage of syrups
Glucose syrup sheen Provides a glaze to jams, fillings and fruit tarts
Contains short carbohydrates Easily digestible, making them suitable for infant and elderly diets